MACDev Droid

The Droid is MACDev new project after the quite successful (in my opinion) Cyborg. The Droid is newer of course and better but overall not that much different that the Cyborg. It’s a tad thinner, but you probably won’t even notice it. It feels great though with some very comfortable grips. It’s beautifully made and has a nice, clean and smooth milling. It’s light, very fast and extremely effective. Overall a great, reliable gun that I’m sure you’ll like very much. Check out the info that comes with it:

Project D is a new gun designed and manufactured by MacDev, we have named it Droid. This new gun is not a Cyborg, and it is not intended to replace the Cyborg. The Cyborg and Droid will both be available, and the Cyborg has a very bright future, with a new model set for release in 2008.

The Droid will be set in the high end bracket, with a retail price of over $US1,000, it will be an alternative option to players who want to have a high quality and high performance single tube paintball marker.

The details.

The Droid is designed to breathe new life into the single tube gun market. MacDev designers have made some very interesting innovations that are designed to increase the reliability and efficiency which is always lacking in conventional spool designs. These innovations have led to significant reliability and efficiency advantages, and patents will be granted for them soon.

The Droid features lightweight construction, extensive 3D surface milling and a small, comfortable playing profile.”

The only complaint about this gun is that it chops paint from time to time, something weird for a high end marker. This has its explanation of course, and an easy solution in that matter. If your Droid is chopping paint, simply check your loader to see if you can lower its force settings so that it doesn’t put too much tension on the stack. This should fix things right away. As to the price it’s about $1000 which in my opinion is perfectly deserved. The Droid is a good marker and if you like what you’ve read and can afford it you should absolutely go for it.

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